Bibliography, Part 3: Books


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Abrams, Ray H., Preachers Present Arms. The Role of the American Churches and Clergy in World Wars I and II, with Some Observations on the War in Vietnam (Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press) 1969.

Adachi, Ken, The Enemy That Never Was. A History of the Japanese Canadians (Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1976).

Adey, Lionel, Hymns and the Christian Myth (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1986).

Adrian, J. D., Die Entstehung der Rudnerweider Gemeinde, 1936 (Winnipeg, Man.: Selbstverlag) 1958.

Adrian, J. D. and D. K. Duerksen, Kurzgefasste Glaubenslehre fuer Fortbildungs- und Bibleschulen (Yarrow, BC: Columbia Press, n.d.)

Adrian, Victor, and Donald Loewen, eds., Committed to World Mission. A Focus on International Strategy (Winnipeg, Man.: Kindred Press) 1990.

Alderfer, Helen, ed., A Farthing in her Hand. Stewardship for Women (Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press) 1964.

Allen, Richard, The Social Passion. Religion and Social Reform in Canada, 1914-18 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1971).

Allen, Richard, ed., The Social Gospel in Canada. Papers of the Inter-disciplinary Conference on the Social Gospel in Canada, March 21-24, 1973, at the University of Regina (Ottawa: National Museums of Canada, 1975).

Altona Mennonite Church, 25th Anniversary, 1962-1987 (Altona, Man.: Altona Mennonite Church) 1988. (Oversized)

Anderson, Allan, Remembering the Farm. Memories of Farming, Ranching, and Rural Life in Canada, Past and present (Toronto: Macmillan, 1977).

Anderson, J. T. M., The Education of the New Canadian (Toronto: J. M. Dent & Sons, 1918).

Anweiler, Oskar, Geschichte der Schule und Paedagogik in Russland vom Ende des Zarenreiches zum Beginn der Stalin-Aera (Berlin: Quelle und Meyer Heidelberg, 1964).

Archer, John, Saskatchewan. A History (Saskatoon: Prairie Books, 1980).

Armour, Rollin Stely, Anabaptist Baptism: A Representative Study, Studies in Anabaptist and Mennonite History, No. 11 (Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press) 1966.

Armstrong, Karen, The Gospel according to Woman. Christianity's Creation of the Sex War in the West (New York: Anchor/Doubleday, 1987).

Armstrong, Karen, A History of God. The 4,000-year Quest of Judaism, Christianity and Islam (New York: Ballantine, 1993).

Atkinson, M. M. and W. D. Coleman, The State, Business, and Industrial Change in Canada (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1988).

Arnel, Ruth, A Time for Change, 1948-1973 (Nairn Mennonite Church, 1958).

Augsburger, Myron, The Broken Chalice (Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press) 1971.

Auld, F. H., Canadian Agriculture and World War II (Ottawa: Canada Department of Agriculture, 1952).

Ausbund das ist etliche schoene Christliche Lieder, wie sie in dem Gefaengnis zu Passau in dem Schlosz von den Schweizer-Bruedern und von anderen rechtglaeubigen Christen hin und her gedichtet worden (Lancaster, PA: Verlag von den Amischen Gemeinden, 1992).

Austin, Alvyn J., Saving China. Canadian Missionarier in the Middle Kingdom, 1888-1959 (Toronto, Ont.: University of Toronto Press) 1986.

Avery, Donald, "Dangerous Foreigners." European Immigrant Workers and Labour Radicalism in Canada, 1896-1932 (Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1979).

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VII. Books.

Backer, John, Winds of History. The German Years of Lucius DuBignon Clay (New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1983).

Badgley, Robin, and Samuel Wolfe, Doctors' Strike. Medical Care and Conflict in Saskatchewan (Toronto: Macmillan, 1967).

Baerg, G. G., A Brief History of Mennonites in British Columbia. Prepared for the Centennial Publication, 1867-1967 (n.p.:n.p.) n.d.

Barber, Clarence, Report of the Royal Commission on Farm Machinery (Ottawa: Queen's Printer, 1971.

Barkman, Sue, Ever-Widening Circles. EMC Missions Silver Jubilee 1953-1978 (Steinbach, MB: Evangelical Mennonite Conference, 1978).

Barrett, Lois, The Vision and the Reality. The Story of Home Missions in the General Conference Mennonite Church (Newton, Kans.: 1983).

Bartel, Siegfried, Living with Conviction. German Army Captain Turns to Cultivating Peace (Winnipeg: CMBC Publications, 1994).

Bartsch, Anna, The Hidden Hand in the Story of My Life (Winnipeg, Man.: Kindred Presss) 1987.

Bearinger, N. M., Among the Thorns (n.p., n.p., 1955).

Bechtel, Ken, Strangers Within the Gates: The Wanner Mennonite Church, 1837-1987 (Kitchener, Ont.: Wanner Mennonite Church, 1987).

Beck, J. Murray, Pendulum of Power. Canada's Federal Elections (Toronto: Prentice Hall, 1968).

Being God's Missionary Community. Reflections of Menonite Missions, 1945-1975, by the Mennonite Board of Missions family in grateful tribute to J. D. and Minnie Graber, October 19, 1975 (Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Board of Missions, 1975).

Bender, Harold S., The Anabaptist Vision (Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press) 1944.

Bender, Harold S., Mennonite Sunday School Centennial, 1840-1940 (Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1940).

Bender, Harold S., These are my People. The Nature of the Church and Its Discipleship According to the New Testament (Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press) 1962.

Bender, Harold S., and C. Henry Smith, Mennonites and Their Heritage. A Handbook of Mennonite History and Beliefs (Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press) 1964.

Bender, Urie, Soldiers of Compassion (Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press) 1969.

Bender, Urie A., Four Earthen Vessels. Biographical profiles of Oscar Burkholder, Samuel F. Coffman, Clayton F. Derstine, and Jesse B. Martin (Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press) 1982.

Bender, Urie A., Stumbling Heavenward. The Extraordinary Life of an Ordinary Man. Peter Rempel (Winnipeg, Man.: Hyperion) 1984.

Berg, Helene, Unsere Flucht. Erinnerungen von Frau Helene Berg, frueher Halbstadt, Sued- Ruszland (Winkler, Man.: K. H. Neufeld) 1947.

Berg, Wesley, From Russia with Music. A Study of the Mennonite Choral Singing Tradition in Canada (Winnipeg, Man.: Hyperion) 1985.

Bergen, John J., ed., A Celebration of Service 1965-1991. MCC Alberta (Calgary: Mennonite Historical Society of Alberta, 1991.

Bestvater, Wm. J., Betrachtungen ueber das leltzte Buch der Bibel (Hillsboro, Ks.: Mennonite Brethren Publishing House) 1919.

Bestvater, Wm. J., Textbuechlein in Glaubenslehre fuer die Herbert Bibelschule. Gesammelt und zurechtgestellt von Wm. J. Bestvater, Vorsteher der Bibelschule zu Herbert, Saskatchewan, Canada (Regina, Sk.: Courier) n.d.

Bestvater, Wm. J., Zeugnis der Schrift. Sie ist es, die von mir zeuget (Bell, Ca.: Selbstverlag) n.d.

Betcherman, Lita-Rose, The Swastika and the Maple Leaf: Fascist Movement in Canada in the 1930s (Toronto: Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 1975).

Bethania, Alten-und Invaliden-heim Bethania, des Mennonitischen Wohltaetigkeitsvereins (Winnipeg, Man.: Bethania) c. 1947.

Bethel, Nicholas, The Last Secret. Forcible Repatriation to Russia 1944-47 (London: Andre Deutsch, 1974).

Bibby, Reginald W., Fragmented Gods. The Poverty and Potential of Religion in Canada (Toronto, Ont.: Irwin) 1987.

Bibby, Reginald W., Mosaic Madness. The Poverty and Potential of Life in Canada (Toronto, Ont.: Stoddart) 1990.

Bibby, Reginald W., Unknown Gods. The Ongoing Story of Religion in Canada (Toronto: Stoddart, 1993).

Bienvenue and Goldstein, eds., Ethnicity and Ethnic Relations in Canada (Toronto: Butterworth 1985).

Blishen, Bernard, Doctors in Canada: The Changing World of Medical Practice (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1991).

Bliss, Michael, Northern Enterprise: Five Centuries of Canadian Business (Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1987).

Block, Isaac I., Assualt on God's Image. Domestic Abuse (Winnipeg: Windflower Communications, 1991).

Boldt, Leonard C., Fourtieth Anniversary: Osler Mennonite Church, 1928-1968 (Osler, Sask.: n.p., 1968).

Bothwell, Robert, and William Kilbourne, C. D. Howe. A Biography (Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1979).

Bothwell, Robert, Ian Drummond and John English, Canada Since 1945. Power, Politics and Provincialism (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1981).

Bothwell, Robert, Ian Drummond and John English, Canada 1900-1945 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1987).

Braun, John L., Lowe Farm. 75th Anniversary, 1899-1974 (Altona, Man.: D. W. Friesen & Sons) 1974.

Brednich, Rolf Wilh. The Bible and the Plough: The Lives of a Hutterite Minister and a Mennonite Farmer (Ottawa, Ont.: National Museums of Canada) 1981. (Oversize)

Brenneman, Helen Good, Learning to Cope. Inspiring insights by a victim of multiple sclerosis and her handicapped friends (Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press) 1975.

British Columbia, Die Vereinigten Mennoniten Gemeinden in British Columbien. Information bezuelich der Vereinigten Mennoniten Gemeinden in British Columbien gelegentlich der Konferenz der Mennoniten in Kanada (Abbotsford, B.C.: Vereinigte Mennoniten Gemeinden in British Columbien) 1959.

British Columbia, Conference Concerns of the United Mennonite Churches of British Columbia, Vol. 3, No. 1 (May 1965).

British Columbia, History of B.C. Mennonite Women in Mission, 1939-1976 (Chilliwack, B.C.: B.C. Mennonite Women in Mission) n.d.

Britnell, G. E., and V. C. Fowke, Canadian Agriculture in War and Peace, 1935-1950 (Stanford, Cal.: Stanford University Press, 1962).

Brouwer, Ruth Comption, New Women for God: Canadian Presbyterian Women and India Missions, 1876-1914 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1986).

Brown, Frank, A History of the Town of Winkler, Manitoba (Winkler, Man.: Frank Brown) 1973. (Oversize)

Brown, Helena M., Bergthal Church: 1903-1978 (Didsbury, Alberta: Anniversary Committee, 1978).

Brown, Robert Craig, and Ramsay Cook, Canada 1896-1921. A Nation Transformed (Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1974)

Bruce, Jean, After the War (Toronto, 1982).

Brunk, Ada and Ethel Metzler, The Christian Nurture of Youth. A Guide for Leaders of Youth (Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press) 1960.

Brunk, Emily, Espelkamp. The Mennonite Central Committee shares in community building in a new settlement for German refugees (Frankfurt: Mennonite Central Committee) 1951.

Buchsweiler, Meir, Volksdeutsche in der Ukraine am Vorabend und Beginn des Zweiten Welkrieges: Ein Fall Doppelter Loyalitaet (Gerlinglen: Bleicher Verlag, 1984).

Bumstead, J. M., The Manitoba Flood of 1950 (Winnipeg: Watson and Dwyer, 1992).

Burk, Edmund, Reflections on the Revolution in France (Chicago: Gateway, 1955 reprint).

Burkhardt, Fern, Full Circles. Mannheim Mennonite Church, 1836-1986 (Petersburg, Ont.: Mannheim Mennonite Church, 1986).

Burkhardt, Fern, A Mighty Flood. The House of Friendship (Kitchener, Ont.: House of Friendship, 1989).

Burkholder, J. Lawrence, The Problem of Social Responsibility From the Perspective of the Mennonite Church (Elkhart, In.: Institute of Mennonite Studies) 1989.

Burkholder, J. R., and Calvin Redekop, Kingdom, Cross and Community. Essays on Mennonite Themes in Honor of Guy F. Herschberger (Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press) 1976.

Burkholder, Oscar, True Stories From Life (Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1942).

Burns, E. L. M., Manpower in the Canadian Army, 1939-1945 (Toronto: Clarke, Irwin, 1956).

Burns, Tidge, The Complete Students' Mission Handbook (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 1990).

Burridge, Kenelm, In the Way. A Study of Christian Missionary Endeavours (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1991).

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Campbell, Marjorie Freeman, Niagara. Hinge of the Golden Arc (Toronto: Ryerson, 1958).

Campbell, R. B., and R. G. F. Hill, Trends in Ontario Agriculture (Toronto: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, 1973).

Canadian Transportation Commission, The Canadian Trucking Industry: Issues Arising out of Current Information (Ottawa: Canadian Transportation Commission, 1975).

Carpenter, Joel A., and Wilbert R. Shenk, Earthen Vessels. American Evangelicals and Foreign Missions, 1880-1980 (Grand Rapids, Mi.: Eerdmans, 1990).

Cassidy, H. M., Social Security and Reconstruction in Canada (Toronto: Ryerson, 1943).

Catechism of Brief Lessons from the Holy Scriptures in Question and Answer as taught by Mennonites, revised 1937, translated 1958 and published 1959 by the General Conference Mennonite Church.

Christian, W., and C. Campbell, Political Parties and Ideologies in Canada: liberals, conservatives, socialists, nationalists (Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1974).

Christian, William, George Grant. A Biography (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1993.

Churches in Profile. Conference of Mennonites in British Columbia (Clearbrook, B. C.: Olfert, 1978.

Clark, S. D., The Developing Canadian Community (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1962).

Clay, Lucius D., Decision in Germany (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 19 .

Coaldale, Coaldale. The Gem of the West in Sunny Southern Alberta (Coaldale, Alta.: Coaldale Commercial Club) 1920.

Coaldale, Die mennonitische Andsiedlung bei Coaldale, Alberta, 1940 (Rosthern, Sask.: D. H. Epp) 1940.

Coaldale. The Gem of the West, Alberta Golden Jubilee, 1905-1955 (Coaldale, Alta.: J. J. Loewen) 1955.

Coaldale, Gedenk- und Dankfeier des 25-jaerigen Bestehens der Coaldale Mennonite Brueder Gemeinde am 27 Mai 1951 (Coaldale, Alta.: n.p.) 1951.

Coates, K. S., and W. R. Morrison, The Alaska Highway in World War II. The U.S. Army of Occupation in Canada's Northwest (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1992).

Coates, K. S., and W. R. Morrison, North to Alaska. Fifty Years on the World's Most Remarkable Highway (Fairbanks, Alaska: University of Alaska Press, 1992).

Conference of Mennonites in Canada, Jubilaeum-Album der Koferenz der Mennoniten in Canada, 1902-1952 (Winnipeg, Man.: Conference of Mennonites in Canada) 1952. (0versize)

Conference of Mennonites in Canada, Jubilaeums-Ausgabe, Jahrbuch der Konferenze der Mennoniten in Canada, 1902-1952 (Winnipeg, Man.: Conference of Mennonites in Canada) 1952. (with previous item)

Conquest, Robert, The Harvest of Sorrow. Soviet Collectivization and the Terror-Famine (Edmonton, Alta.: University of Alberta Press) 1986.

Cooper, Charlotte Sloan, The Mennonite People (Saskatoon, Sask.: Western Extension Educational Publishers) 1978.

Contini, A., Agricultural Marketing Legislation in Ontario (Toronto: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, 1973).

Corbett, William, Canada's Immigration Policy. A Critique (Toronto, 1957).

Cross, Whitney R., The Burned-Over District. The Social and Intellectual History of Enthusiastic Religion in Western New Yor, 1800-1850 (New York: Harper Torchbooks, 1950).

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Dahlie, Jorgen and Tiss Fernando, eds., Ethnicity, Power and Politics in Canada (Toronto: Methuen, 1981).

Dawson, C. A., Group Settlement: Ethnic Communities in Western Canada (Toronto: Macmillan, 1936).

Davisson, Charles N., and Herbert F. Taggart, Financing and operating Characteristics of Automobile Deales and the Franchise System (Ann Arbor, Mich.: Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Michigan, 1974).

Dayton, Edward R., ed., Mission Handbook: North American Protestant Ministries Overseas, 11th Edition (Monrovia, Cal.: Missions Advanced Research and Communications Center, 1976).

DeFehr, Cornelius A., Erinnerungen aus meinem Leben (Winnipeg, Man.: Christian Press) 1976.

Derstine, C. F., The Home, from four angles (Eureka, Ill.: Derstine, 1919).

Derstine, C. F., The Great Apostacy: or department from God and the Living Word (Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1919).

Derstine, C. F., Ancient and Modern Idolatry: Fashionable Attire (Eureka, Ill.: Derstine, 1922).

Derstine, C. F., Hell's Playground: Theatres and Movies (Eureka, Ill.: Derstine, 1921.

Derstine, C. F., The Church in Prophetic Limelight: Revelation 2 and 3 (Eureka, Ill.: Derstine, 1922).

Derstine, C. F., Forty Principles in Bible and Sunday School Lesson Study (Eureka, Ill.: Derstine, 1923).

Derstine, C. F., Manual of Sex Education for Parents, Teachers and Students (Kitchener, Ont.: n.p., 1942).

Derstine, C. F., The Path to Beautiful Womanhood (Kitchener, Ont.: n.p., 1942).

Derstine, C. F., The Path to Noble Manhood (Kitchener, Ont.: n.p. 1942).

Detweiler, Richard C., Mennonite Statements on Peace, 1915-1966. A Historical and Theological Review of Anabaptist-Mennonite Concepts of Peace Witness and Church-State Relations (Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press) 1968.

deZayas, Alfred M., Nemesis at Potsdam. The Expulsion of the Germans from the East (Lincoln, Neb.: University of Nebraska Press, 1988.

Dick, C. L., The Mennonite Conference of Alberta. A History of its Churches and Institutions (Edmonton: The Mennonite Conference of Alberta, 1980).

Dick, Elfrieda E., Not of This World. The Story of Johann A. Toews and his family and the Lives of Those who Shaped Theirs (Linden, Alta.: Wild Rose Enterprises) 1987.

Dick, Ernest J., Courage, Courage, The Lord Will Help. The Family History of Johann P. Dueck and Descendants from Schoenfeld, Southern Russia (Leamington, Ont.: John H. Dick) 1990.

Dick, Johann J., Incidents From the Life of Johann J. Dick, Lichtfelde, Russia, and Coaldale, Alberta, Personally Recorded (n.p.:n.p.) 1937.

Die Vereinigten Mennoniten Gemeinden in British Columbien, 1959 (Abbotsford, B.C., Conference of Mennonites in Canada, 1959).

Dirks, Gerald E., Canada's Refugee Policy. Indifference or Opportunism? (Montreal, Que.: McGill-Queens) 1977.

Doell, Leonard, The Bergthaler Mennonite Church of Saskatchewan, 1892-1975 (Winnipeg, Man.: CMBC Publications) 1987.

Doerksen, J. P., [Gem] Mennonite Brethren Church, 1929-1979 (Gem, Alta.: Gem Mennonite Brethren Church, 1979).

Driedger, Jacob P., United Mennonite Educational Institute, Leamington, Ontario: Its Origin and Growth, 1945-1975 (Leamington, Ont.: UMEI, 1975).

Dreidger, Leo, ed., The Canadian Ethnic Mosaic. A Quest for Identity (Toronto, Ont.: McClelland and Stewart) 1978.

Driedger, Leo, Mennonite Identity in Conflict (Lewiston and Queenston, N.Y.: Edwin Mellen Press) 1988.

Driedger, Leo, The Ethnic Factor. Identity in Diversity (Toronto, Ont.: McGraw-Hill-Ryerson) 1989.

Driedger, Leo, and Leland Harder, eds., Anabaptist-Mennonite Identities in Ferment (Elkart, IN: Institute of Mennonite Studies) 1990.

Driedger, Leo, Mennonites in Winnipeg (Winnipeg, Man.: Kindred Press) 1990.

Driedger, Leo, The Urban Factor. Sociology of Canadian Cities (Toronto, Ont.: Oxford University Press) 1991.

Driedger, Leo, and Donald B. Kraybill, Mennonite Peacemaking. From Quietism to Activism (Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1994).

Driedger, N. N., The Leamington United Mennonite Church: Establishment and Development, 1925-1972 (Leamington, n.p., 1972).

Drummond, Ian M., Progress Without Planning. The Economic History of Ontario from Confederation to the Second World War (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1987).

Dueck, Abe., Concordia Hospital, 1928-1978 (Winnipeg, Man.: Christian Press) 1978.

Dueck, Abe J., ed., Canadian Mennonites and the Challenge of Nationalism (Winnipeg: Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society, 1994).

Dueck, H. M. R., An Orphan's Song (Winnipeg: Windflower Communications, 1993).

Dueck, Peter G., Benno Schroeder, and J. L. Braun, eds., 75th Anniversary. Lowe Farm Bergthaler Mennonite Church, 1905-1980 (Lowe Farm: Lowe Farm Bergthaler Mennonite Church, 1980).

Dunham, Mabel, The Trail of the Conestoga (Toronto, Ont.: McClelland and Stewart) 1942.

Durksen, Hedy, Along Highways and Hedges. The Story of Joe and Marie Wiebe (Winnipeg, Man.: Christian Press) 1977.

Dyck, Anna Reimer, Anna. From the Caucasus to Canada (Hillsboro Ks.: Mennonite Brethren Publishing House) 1979.

Dyck, Anni, ed., Mennoniten in aller Welt (Basel: Agape Verlag) 1967.

Dyck, Arnold, Verloren in der Steppe (Steinbach, Man.: Selbstverlag) 1944.

Dyck, Arnold, Verloren in der Steppe. Zweiter Teil (Steinbach, Man.: Selbstverlag) 1945.

Dyck, Arnold, Verloren in der Steppe. Dritter Teil (Steinbach, Man.: Selbstverlag) 1946.

Dyck, Arnold, Verloren in der Steppe. Vierter Teil (North Kildonan, Man.: Selbstverlag) 1947.

Dyck, Arnold, Verloren in der Steppe. Fuenfter Teil (North Kildonan, Man.: Selbstverlag) 1948.

Dyck, Arnold, Koop enn Bua faore nao Toronto. Zweiter Teil (North Kildonan, Man.: Selbstverlag) 1949.

Dyck, Arnold, De Opnaom. 2. Akt von Wellkaom op's Forstei. Szenen aus dem mennonitischen Forsteileben in Ruszland (Steinbach, Man.: Selbstverlag) 1951.

Dyck, Arnold, Onse Lied en ola Tiet (Steinbach, Man.: Selbstverlag) 1952.

Dyck, Arnold, Koop enn Bua en Dietschlaund (Steinbach, Man.: Derksen Printers) 1960.

Dyck, Arnold, Koop enn Bua en Dietschlaund. Zweiter Teil (Steinbach, Man.: Derksen Printers) 1961.

Dyck, Arnold, Dee Millionaea von Kosefeld (Steinbach, Man.: Selbstverlag) n.d.

Dyck, Arnold, Lost in the Steppe. Translated by Henry D. Dyck (Steinbach, Man.: Derksen Printers) 1974.

Dyck, Arnold, Collected Works. Arnold Dyck, Werke, Vols. I - IV (Winnipeg, Man.: Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society) 1985.

Dyck, Cornelius J., ed., The Lordship of Christ. Proceedings of the Seventh Mennonite World Conference, August 1-7, 1962, Kitchener, Ontario (Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite World Conference, 1962).

Dyck, Cornelius J., ed., An Introduction to Mennonite History (Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press) 1967.

Dyck, Cornelius J., ed., From the Files of MCC. The Mennonite Central Committe Story, Vol. 1, About Origins, Russia (USSR), Refugee Work...(Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press) 1980.

Dyck, Cornelius J., ed., Responding to Worldwide Needs. The Mennonite Central Committee Story, Vol. 2, In Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia...(Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press) 1980.

Dyck, Cornelius J., ed., Witness and Service in North America. The Mennonite Central Committee Story, Vol. 3, Peace Witness, Mental Health, Voluntary Service...(Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press) 1980.

Dyck, Cornelius J., ed., Something Meaningful for God. The Mennonite Central Committee, Vol. 4. The Stories of Some Who Served with MCC(Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press) 1981.

Dyck, J. P. Das 25-jaehrige Jubilaeum der Springsteiner Mennoniten Bruedergemeinde, 1938- 1963 (n.p., n.p., 1963).

Dyck, John, Crosstown Credit Union Ltd. The First Fifty Years, 1944-1994 (Winnipeg: Crosstown Credit Union, 1994).

Dyck, Peter J., and Elfrieda Klassen Dyck, Up From the Rubble. The Epic Rescue of Thousands of War-ravaged Mennonite Refugees, (Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1991).

Dyck, Peter J., A Leap of Faith. True Stories for young and old ( Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press) 1990.

Dyck, Susie Brucks, Goettlisches Wirken in der Afrika Mission. Vieljaehrige Erfahrungen einer Missionarin zur Ehre Gottes (Clearbrook, B.C.: Susie Brucks Dyck) 1983.

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Eayres, James, Northern Approaches. Canada and the Search for Peace (Toronto: Macmillan, 1961).

Easterbrook, W. T., and Hugh G. T. Aitken, Canadian Economic History (Toronto: Macmillan, 1956).

Ebenezer: Virgil Mennonite Brethren Church, 1937-87 (Fonthill, Ont.: Niagara Yearbook Services, 1984).

Eby, Omar, A Whisper in a Dry Land (Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press) 1968.

Eby, Omar, A House in Hue (Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press) 1968.

Elias, J. M., Er fuehret uns wie die Jugend. Eine Sammlung von Gedichten und Programmen fuer Jugend-Arbeit (Winkler, MB: MB Gemeinde des Suedlichen Kreises, n.d.)

English, John, Shadow of Heaven. The Life of Lester B. Pearson, Volume One: 1897-1948 (London: Vantage U.K., 1990).

English, John, The Worldly Years. The Life of Lester Pearson, 1949-1972 (Toronto: Vintage Books, 1993).

Enns, Herbert, and Jakob Fast, eds., Jubilee Issue of the Waterloo Kitchener United Mennonite Church, 1924-1974 (Waterloo, Ont.: Waterloo Kitchener United Mennonite Church, 1974).

Enns, Herman, Behold Your God! Selected Sermons (n.p.:n.p.) 1986.

Enns, J. J., Elim (Gemeinde Elim zu Grunthal, Manitoba, 1927-1952) (n.p.: n.p.) 1952.

Enns, J. H., compl., Dem Herrn Die Ehre. Schoenwieser Mennoniten Gemeinde von Manitoba (Winnipeg, Man.: Schoenwieser Mennoniten Gemeinde, 1969).

Enns, Mary M., Mia. The Story of a Remarkable Woman (Winnipeg, Man.: Christian Press) n.d.

Ens, Adolf, Subjects or Citizens: Mennonite Relations with Government, 1870-1925 (Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 1994).

Ens, Gerhard, Dee Easchte Wiehnachten Enn Canada (1875, 1926, 1949). Drei Kurzerzaehlungen aus der Mennonitengeschichte in plattdeutscher Sprache (n.p.: n.p.) n.d.

Ens, Gerhard J., "Die Schule Muss Sein." A History of the Mennonite Collegiate Institute (Gretna, Man.: Mennonite Collegiate Institute) 1990.

Epp, Frank H., Mennonite Exodus. The Rescue and Resettlement of the Russian Mennonites Since the Communist Revolution (Altona, Man.: Canadian Mennonite Relief and Immigration Council) 1962.

Epp, Frank H., The Glory and the Shame (Winnipeg, Man.: Canadian Mennonite Publishing Association) 1968.

Epp. Frank H., Your Neighbour as Yourself. A Study on Responsibility in Immigration (Winnipeg, Man.: Mennonite Central Committee, Canada) 1968.

Epp. Frank H., I would like to dodge the draft-dodgers but... (Waterloo, Ont.: Conrad Press) 1970.

Epp, Frank H., Whose Land is Palestine? The Middle East Problem in Historical Perspective (Grand Rapids, Mi.: William B. Eerdmans) 1970.

Epp. Frank H., A Strategy for Peace. Reflections of a Christian Pacifist (Grand Rapids, MI.: William B. Eerdmans) 1973.

Epp, Frank H., Mennonites in Canada, 1786-1920. The History of a Separate People (Toronto, Ont.: Macmillan) 1974.

Epp, Frank H., Education With a Plus. The Story of Rosthern Junior College (Waterloo, Ont.: Conrad Press) 1975.

Epp, Frank H., The Palestinians. Portrait of a People in Conflict (Toronto, Ont.: McClelland and Stewart) 1976.

Epp, Frank H., Mennonite Peoplehood. A Plea for New Initiatives (Waterloo, Ont.: Conrad Press) 1977.

Epp. Frank H., Small College Set on a Hill. Reflections on Church College Education in the University Context, (n.p.: n.p.) 1979.

Epp, Frank H., The Israelis. Portrait of a People in Conflict (Scottdale Pa.: Herald Press) 1980.

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Last revised by Sam Steiner, 06 August 2002