Bibliography, Part 5

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IX. Doctoral Dissertations and Masters Theses

Anderson, Alan B., "Assimilation in the Bloc Settlement of North-Central Saskatchewan," Ph. D., University of Saskatchewan, 1972.

Appavoo, Muthiah David., "Religion and Family Among the Markham Mennonites," Ph. D., York University, 1978.

Bargen, Peter F., "The Mennonites of Alberta," M. A., University of British Columbia, 1953.

Bowen, Dawn S., "The Transformation of a Northern Alberta Frontier Community," M. A. University of Maine at Orono, 1990.

Brubacher, Paul Harold, "Dimensions of Social Interaction between Old Order Mennonites and Non-Mennonites in the Mount Forest Area," M. Sc., University of Guelph, 1984.

Buhr, Joanna, "Pursuit of a Vision: Persistence and Accommodation among Coaldale Mennonites from the mid-nineteen twenties to World War II," M. A., University of Calgary, 1986.

Buhr, Joanna, "Kurt Janz: The Struggling Phoenix," Unpublished Paper made available by the author.

Burkinshaw, Robert K., "Strangers and Pilgrims in Lotus Land: Conservative Protestantism in British Columbia, 1917-1981," Ph. D., University of British Columbia, 1988.

Cressman, Kenneth, "A Descriptive Summary and Analysis of the Changing Settlement and Occupational Pattersn of the Mennonites and Amish Mennonites of Wilmot Township," M. A., University of Waterloo.

DeLisle, D., "The Spatial Organization and Intensity of Agriculture in the Mennonite Villages of Southern Manitoba," Ph. D., McGill University, 1975.

Dickey, Dale F., "The Tent Evangelism Movement of the Mennonite Church: A Dramatistic Analysis," Ph. D., Bowling Green State University, 1980.

Dill, Vicky Schreiber, "The Idea of Wilderness in the Mennonite Novels of Rudy Wiebe," Ph. D., Notre Dame University, 1982.

Doerksen, John George, "History of Education of the Mennonite Brethren in Canada," M. Ed., University of Manitoba, 1963.

Doerksen, John George, "History, Philosophy and Development of Mennonite Brethren Bible College," Ed. D., University of North Dakota, 1968.

Doerksen, Bernard, "Mennonite Brethren Missions: Historical Development, Philosophy, and Policies," D. Miss., Fuller Theological Seminary, 1986.

Dreidger, Leo, "A Sect in Modern Society; a Case Study of the Old Colony Mennonites of Saskatchewan," M. A., Univerity of Chicago, 1955,

Dyck, Harold J., "The Theological Development of the Evangelical Mennonite Conference formerly the Kleine Gemeinde from its Roots to the Presdent Day," M. Div., Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary, 1977.

Dyck, Paul Irvin, "Emergence of New Castes in India," M. A., University of Manitoba, 1970.

Elliott, David R., "The Dispensational Theology and Political Ideology of William Aberhart," M. A., University of Calgary, 1975.

Elliott, David R., "Studies of Eight Canadian Fundamentalists," Ph. D., University of British Columbia, 1989.

Ens, Adolf, "Mennonite Relations with Governments: Western Canada, 1870-1925," Ph. D., University of Ottawa, 1979.

Epp, Frank Henry, "An Analysis of Germanism and National Socialism in the Immigrant Newspapers of a Canadian Minority Group, The Mennonites, in the 1930s," Ph. D., University of Minnesota, 1965.

Epp, Esther Ruth, "The Origins of Mennonite Central Committee (Canada)," M. A., University of Manitoba, 1980.

Fitzgerald, Denis, "Pioneer Settlement in Nrothern Saskatchewan," Ph. D., University of Manitoba, 1966.

Fransen, David Warren, "Canadian Mennonites and Conscientious Objection in World War II," M. A., University of Waterloo, 1977.

Friesen, Richard John, "Old Colony Mennonite Settlements in Saskatchewan: A Study in Settlement Change," M. A., University of Alberta, 1975.

Forschner, Gisela, "Growing Up Canadian. Twelve Case Studies of German Immigrant Families in Alberta," Ph. D., University of Alberta, 1975.

Froese, Leonard, "Das paedagogishe Kultursystem der mennonitischen Siedlungsgruppe in Russland," Dissertation zur Erlangung des Dokorgrades der Philosophischen Fakultaet der Georg-August-Universitaet zu Goettingen, 1949.

Gerwin, Elizabeth, "A Survey of the German-Speaking Population in the Province of Alberta," M. A., University of Alberta, 1938.

Gibson, J. R., "A Comparison of Anglo-Saxon, Mennonite and Dutch Farms in the Lower Fraser Valley: A Methodological Study of Areal Differentiation and Relative Influences of the Physical and Cultural Environments," M. A., University of Oregon, Cornvallis, 1959.

Grenke, Arthur, "The Formation and Early Development of an Urban Ethnic Community: A Case Study of the Germans in Winnipeg, 1872-1919," Ph. D., University of Manitoba, 1975.

Hamm, Peter, "Continuity and Change Among Canadian Mennonite Brethren, 1925-1975: A Study of Socialization and Secularization in Sectarianism," Ph. D., McMaster University, 1978.

Harder, M. S., "The Origin, philosophy and development of education among the Mennonites," Ph. D., University of Southern California, 1949.

Heidebrecht, Herbert V., Values of Mennonite Youth in Alberta, M. A., University of Calgary, 1973.

Hildebrand, Hilda Ann, "Mennonite Mutual Aid and the Concept of Social Welfare. A Case Study of the Bergthaler Waisenamt and the Co-operative Movement in the Rhineland Muncipality," M. S. W., University of Manitoba, 1989.

Hiller, Harry H., "A Critical Analysis of the Role of Religion in a Canadian Populist Movement: The Emergence and Dominance of the Social Credit Party in Alberta," Ph. D., McMaster University, 1972.

Howell-Jones, G. I., "A Century of Settlement Change: A Study of the Evolution of Settlement Patterns in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia," M. A., University of British Columbia, 1966.

Janzen, William, "The Limits of Liberty: The Experience of the Mennonites, Hutterites and Doukhobors," Ph. D., Carleton University, 1981.

Klassen, Peter G., "A History of Mennoite Education in Manitoba," M. Ed., University of Manitoba, 1958.

Klassen, Peter G., "A History of Mennonite Education in Canada, 1786-1960," D. Ed., University of Toronto, 1970.

Klippenstein, Lawrence, "Mennonite Pacifism and State Service in Russia: A Study in Church-State Relations, 1789-1936," Ph. D., University of Minnesota, 1984.

Krahn, John Jacob, "A History of the Mennonites in British Columbia," M. A., University of British Columbia, 1955.

Laurence, Hugh Getty, "Change in Religion, Economics, and Boundary Conditions among Amish Mennonites in Southwestern Ontario," Ph. D., McGill University, 1980.

Lederach, Paul M., "The History of Religious Education in the Mennonite Church," Ph. D., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1949.

Lichti, James, I., "Religious Identity vs. `Aryan' Identity: German Mennonites and Hutterites under the Third Reich," M. A., San Francisco State University, 1989.

MacLachlan, J. M., "The Mennonites in B. C.," M. A., University of British Columbia, 1940.

Martens, Hildegard Margo, "The Relationship of Religious to Socio-Economic Divisions Among the Mennonites of Dutch-Prussian Descent in Canada," Ph. D., University of Toronto, 1977.

Melton, Norma, "Essential Servants: Immigrant Domestic Servants on the Canadian Prairies," M. A., University of Calgary,

Miller, Ira E., "The Development and Present Status of Mennonite Secondary and Higher Education in the United States and Canada," Ed. D., Temple University, 1953.

Nafziger, Estel, "The Mennonite Ethic in the Weberian Framework," M. A., University of Michigan, 1962.

Nakashima, Kimiaki, "Economic Aspects of the Japanese Evacuation from the Canadian Pacific Coast," M. A., McGill University, 1946

Paetkau, Esther, "The Ministry of J. J. Thiessen in Saskatoon," M. Div., Lutheran Theological Seminary, Saskatoon, 1979.

Paetkau, Henry, "A Struggle for Survival: The Russian Mennonite Immigrants in Ontario, 1924-1939," M. A., University of Waterloo, 1977.

Paetkau, Henry, "Separation or Integration? The Russian Mennonite Immigrant Community in Ontario, 1924-45," Ph. D., University of Western Ontario, 1986.

Peters, Jacob, "The Association of Relgious Affiliation, Socio-Economic Status, Generation and segregation with German Ethnocentrism," M. A., University of Manitoba, 1971.

Peters, Jacob, "Organizational Change within a Religious Denomination: A Case Study of the Conference of Mennonites in Canada, 1903-1978," Ph. D., University of Waterloo, 1986.

Reddig, Kenneth Wayne, "Manitoba Mennonites and the Winnipeg Mobilization Board in World War II," M. A., University of Manitoba, 1989.

Redekop, Benjamin Wall, "The German Identity of Mennonite Brethren Immigrants in Canada, 1930-1960," M. A., University of British Columbia, 1990.

Redekop, Gloria, "Mennonite Women's Societies in Canada: A Historical Study," Ph. D., University of Ottawa, 1993.

Reeves, C. M., "The Establishment of the Kelowna Orcharding Area: A Study of Accommodation to Site and Situation," M. A., University of British Columbia, 1974.

Regier, Marie Joanna, "Mennonite TEaching and Practice in a Chinese Community," B. Div., Chicago Theological Seminary, 1950.

Sawatzky, A. A., "The Mennonites of Alberta and Their Assimiation, M. A. Thesis, University of Alberta, 1964

Sawatsky, Rodney, "The Influence of Fundamentalism on Mennnite Nonresistance, 1908-44," M. A., University of Minnesota, 1973.

Sawatsky, Rodney, "History and Ideology: American Mennonite Identity Through History," Ph. D., Princeton University, 1977.

Schellenberg, Arnold, "A Study of Acculturation proneness of an ethnic subculture within an urban community: Mennonite Musicians in Winnipeg," M. A. , University of Manitoba, 1968.

Schmidt, John P., "Pilgrims in Paradise: Sixty Years of Growth in the Mennonite Brethren Churches in British Columbia," D. Min., Fuller Theological Seminary, 1991.

Schultz, Harold J., "William Aberhart and the Social Credit Party: A Political Biography," Ph. D., Duke University, 1959.

Siemens, Alfred H., "Mennonite Settlements in the Lower Fraser Valley," M. A., University of British Columbia, 1960.

Somuyiwa, M. O., "The Impact of Agricultural Credit Use on the Financial Progress of the Farm Firm in Western Manitoba," M. Sc., University of Manitoba, 1974.

Stuerzbecher, Monika M., "Der Heimatbegriff in der Literatur der russischen Mennoniten," Ph. D., McMaster University, 1987.

Thielman, George C., "The Mennonites. A Study of an Ethnic Group in Relation to the State and Community with Emphasis on Factors Contributing to the Success and Failure of its Adjustment to Canadian Ways of Living," Ph. D., Western Reserve University, 1955.

Unger, Walter, "The Niagara Bible Conference," Ph. D., Simon Fraser University, 1982.

Vanderhill, Burke G., "Settlement in the Forest Lands of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta: A Geographic Analysis," Ph. D., University of Michigan, 1956.

Van Dyke, Edward, "Blumenort: A Study of Persistence in a Sect," Ph. D., University of Alberta, 1972.

Warkentin, John H. "Mennonite Settlements in Southern Manitoba; A Study in Historical Geography," Ph. D., University of Toronto, 1960.

Watts, Clayton R., "Studies of Mennonite Communities in Western Ontario," Ph. D., George Washington University, 1942.

Wiebe, George, "The Hymnody of the Conference of Mennonites in Canada," M. A., University of Southern California, 1962.

Wiens, Ruth, "A Study of the Present Task of the Sunday School in the Light of its Historical Background and Today's Changing World," Master of Religious Education, Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary, Fresno, 1965.

Wilson, Judith Pamela, "The legitimation of clerical authority: The case of the Conference of Mennonites in Canada," M. A., University of Victoria, 1988.

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X. Unpublished conference, seminar and symposium papers

Note: Copies of all these papers are in the possession of the author.

Ambrose, Linda M., "Canadian Youth in the 1940s: Helping to Shape the Postwar Society." Presented to the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Historical Association, May 1992.

Anderson, Alan, and Leo Driedger, "The Mennonite Family: Culture and Kin in Rural Saskatchewan." Place and Date of presentation not indicated.

Bechtel, Ken, "The Influence of World War II on Swiss Mennonite Theology." Presented at a symposium on the influence of World War II on Canadian Mennonites, in 1987.

Bender, Ross T., "The Ontario Amish Mennonite Conference." A Paper prepared for a course in Mennonite History at Goshen College in 1955.

Bergen, John J., "Some Inferences concerning the impact of World War II in Education among Mennonites in Canada." Presented at a symposium on the influence of World War II on Canadian Mennonites, in 1987.

Blanchette, Sonia, "The History of Mennonite Brethren Churches in Quebec." An essay prepared for a class in Mennonite Studies II at MBBC in 1986.

Block, Arthur, "Understanding the Profits from the Christian Perspective." Place and date of presentation not indicated. A copy is at the Centre for Mennonite Studies, Winnipeg.

Bond, John B., and Carol D. H. Harvey, "Intergenerational Support in Rural Mennonite Families." Presented at the 10th Biennial Conference of the Canadian Ethnic Studies Association, in 1989.

Buhr, Joanna, "Kurt Janz: The Struggling Phoenix." Draft copy made available courtesy of the author.

Burkholder, John Richard, "Mennonite Peace Theology: Reconnaisssance and Exploration." Presented at Peace Colloquium in 1991.

Churchill, Kristopher, "Harnessing the Auto: Motorization and the Countryside in Ontario, 1900-20." Place and date of presentation not indicated.

Clare, Terrence S., "Mennonites by the Sea. An Account in Brief of the Mennonite Presence in Atlantic Canada." Paper prepared for an MBBC class in Mennonite Studies II, in 1991.

Cressman, Kenneth, "The Development of the Conservative Mennonite Church of Ontario." Paper prepared for a sociology class at Conrad Grebel College in 1976.

Dahl, Edward, "Sharon Mennonite Collegiate Institute, 1945-1949." Paper prepared for a History seminar at the University of British Columbia in 1968.

Dau, Joachim, "Trial by Fire. The East European Exodus - 1945." Paper presented in a Mennonite Studies class at CMBC in 1987.

Derksen, Lynne, "Mennonite Pioneer Mission: to the Tarahumara Indians (Mexico)." Paper presented in a Mennonite Studies class at CMBC in 1977.

Driedger, Leo, "Urbanization of Mennonites in Post-war Canada." Paper presented at a symposium on Mennonites in Canada in the 1950s, in 1988.

Driedger, Leo, "Canadian Mennonite Urbanism: Ethnic Villagers or Metropolitan Remnant?" Paper presented to the Institute of Mennonite Studies in 1974.

Driedger, Leo, "Ethnic Urban Dominance: Demographic, Ecological and Institutional Patterns." Place and date of presentation not indicated.

Driedger, Leo, "The Peace Panorama: Struggle for the Mennonite Soul." Presented at a Mennonite peace theology into the 90s colloquium in 1991.

Dueck, Abe J., "Church and State: Developments Among Mennonite Brethren in Canada Since World War II." Presented at a symposium on influences upon Mennonite Brethren Theology, in 1980.

Doerksen, Victor G., "Post-War Developments in Canadian Mennonite Literature." Place and date of presentation not indicated.

Durksen, Martin, and James Pankratz, "The Church in a Multi-Cultural Society." Presented at a special seminar sponsored by the Ministers and Deacons of the Manitoba M. B. Conference, in 1977.

Dyck, John, Crosstown Credit Union Ltd. The First Fifty Years, 1944-1994. Manuscript made available before publication.

Epp, Frank H., "The Problem of Mennonite Identity: A Historical Case Study of One Canadian Minority Group." Presented to the Canadian Ethnic Studies Association.

Epp, Frank H., "Keeping Body and Soul Together in Church History." Presented at a Symposium on Mennonite Brethren History in 1975.

Epp, Frank H., "National Socialism among the Canadian Mennonites in the 1930s." Presented at the fifteenth Conference on Mennonite and Educational and Cultural Problems in 1965.

Epp, Frank H., "Evangelism and Visions of a New World." Presented at a workshop for the Canadian Congress on Evangelism, 1970.

Epp, George K., "The Third Wave of Mennonite Immigrants. Mennonite Immigration to Canada after World War II." Place and date of presentation not indicated.

Epp, Mark, "Mennonites in Military Service during World War II." Presented in a CMBC Religious Studies class in 1986.

Epp, Marlene, "The `Dress Question' Among Ontario Mennonites, 1898-1960." Cognate Essay written at the University of Waterloo in 1990.

Epp, Marlene, "The Memory of Violence: Mennonite Refugees and Rape in World War II." Paper presented to the Canadian Historical Association in 1994.

Esau, David, "Mennonites and Music: Reshaping the Vision." Presented in an MBBC Mennonite Studies class in 1988.

Fast, Peter D., "The Mennonite Pioneer Mission. A Venture of Faith." Presented at the Mennonite Biblical Seminary in 1960.

Flynn, David, and Al Koop, "A Sense of Community: Three Mennonite Towns in Manitoba, Canada." Presented at the XI Congress of Socioloty in New Delhi, India, in 1986.

Fransen, David., "`We Must Bring Christian Pressure to Bear:' Mennonites and Alternative Service During the Second World War." Presented at a Mennonite History Symposium in 1987.

Friesen, Abraham, "Winnipeg and the Mennonites 25 Years Later." Place and date of presentation not indicated.

Friesen, John W., "Bias in Public Interpretations of the Amish: Are They Really That Nice?" Presented at a conference on Amish society in 1993.

Friesen, John, "Manitoba Mennonites: From the Farm to the City. A Study of the City Movement of Four Mennonite Church Conferences, 1936-1986." Presented in a Mennonite Special Studies class in 1989.

Friesen, John, "Theological Developments in Canada during the 1950s and early 1960s." Presented at a Symposium on Mennonites in Canada in 1988.

Friesen, Ted, "D. W. Friesen & Sons Ltd. A Concise History." This is an early draft of a later published history.

Giesbrecht, Herbert, "Seeking a Faith to Live By: Modifying Influences upon the Faith confessed by Mennonite Brethren." Presented at a symposium at the Centre for Mennonite Brethren Studies in Canada, in 1980.

Guenther, Bruce L., "`In the World but not of it': Old Colony Mennonites, Evangelicalism and Contemporary Canadian Culture - A Case Study of Osler Mission Chapel (1974-94). A copy was made available courtesy of the author.

Hamm, Peter, "Continuity and Change among Canadian Mennonite Brethren." Presented at a Study Conference on the Dynamics of Faith and Culture in the Mennonite Brethren Church, undated.

Harder, Henry, "A Short History of the Origins of the First United Mennonite Church, Vancouver, British Columbia." Presented in a CMBC Religious Studies class in 1976.

Hein, Marvin, "The Church, its regulations, and the individual member." Presented at a conference concerning church and home, in 1967.

Hunsberger, Catherine, " A Study of the Issues and Events Surrounding the 1959-1960 Division in the Mennonite Conference of Ontario." Presented in a CGC History class in 1988.

Jantz, Anita, "God and Humanity: Who Meets Who? (A Brief Look at Mennonite Confessions of Faith." Presented to Lutheran Theological Seminary, in 1994.

Jantz, Harold, "Exploring an Uneasy Relationship." Presented at a symposium on MB-GC relations in 1983.

Krahn, Victor, "The Effects of Small Business upon the Old Order Communities of Waterloo County." Presented in a CGC sociology class in 1989.

Kreider, Robert, ed., "Interviews with Peter J. Dyck and Elfrieda Klassen Dyck." The complete interview is available in the Conrad Grebel College library.

Letkemann, Peter, "Singing the New Song Together: MB-GC Relations in Music." Place and date of presentation not indicated.

Loewen, Jacob, "The German Language, Culture and the Faith." Presented at a study conference on the dynamics of faith and culture in Mennonite Brethren life, undated.

Loewen, Royden, "`The Children, the cows and my dear man and sister': the transplanted lives of Mennonite farm women 1874-1900." Place and date of presentation not indicated.

Malagar, P. J., "A Memorandum on building an indigenous church in India." Prepared for the Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities and available in the Archives of the Mennonite Church IV-7-5, Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities, Executive Office, Correspondence Files, 1944-50, Box 45.

Martens, Grant, "World War Two and the Schoenwieser Mennonite Church." Prepared for a CMBC Mennonite Studies class in 1988.

Martens, Hildegard M., "Mennonites from Mexico: Their Immigration and Settlement in Canada." A research report prepared for Canada Manpower and Immigration and for the Mennonite Central Committee (Canada) in 1975.

Martin, Nancy, "The Purpose and Function of the Old Order Mennonite School System." Prepared for a CMBC Religious Studies class in 1985.

Nord, Douglas C., "The Role of the Provinces in the Development of Canadian Immigration Policy." Presented at a Western Social Science Association Meeting in 1979.

Owram, Doug., "Home and Family at Mid-Century." Place and date of presentation not indicated.

Penner, Archie, "From Aeltester, Lehrer und Gemeinde to Baords, Pastors and Conferece." Place and date of presentation not indicated.

Penner, Peter, "Mennonite Home Missions in thew 1950s." Presented at a symposium on Mennonites in Canada in the 1950s, in 1988.

Peters, Conrad, "Reimer Express Lines." Presented in a CMBC Mennonite Studies class in 1988.

Peters, John F., "Population Study of the Pennsylvania Dutch in Canada." Presented at the National Council on Family Relations Conference, in 1988.

Plett, Edwin, "The Dispersion of the Evangelical Mennonite Church (Kleine Gemeinde) 1920-1980." Place and date of presentation not indicated.

Reddig, Willa, "A History of the Mennonite Brethren Collegiate Institute." Presented for a History of Canadian Education class in 1979.

Redekop, Cal., "The Structural Base of Mennonite Entrepreneurship." Place and date of presentation not indicated.

Redekop, Cal, "The Religious Impuse and Economic Behaviour: A Suggestion for a New Direction." Place of presentation not indicated, but dated 1988.

Redekop, John, "Dilemmas of Nationalism and National Unity in Canada since 1945." Place and date of presentation not indicated.

Redekop, John, "Mennonite Brethren Schools in Canada: An Analysis of Institutional Objectives." Place of presentation not indicated, but delivered in 1975.

Redekop, John, "The Involvement of Canadian Mennonites with Non-Mennonite National Religious Bodies." Presented at a symposium on Canadian Mennonites and the Challenge of Nationalism, in 1993.

Redekop, John, "Mennonites and Politics in Canada and the United States. The State of the Analysis." Presented at a Conference on Mennonite Studies in 1982.

Redekop, John, "Decades of Transition: North American Mennonite Brethren in Politics, 1940-1960." Place and date of presentation not indicated.

Sawatzky, H. L., "Post World War II Mennonite Emigration from Canada to Latin America." Place and date of presentation not indicated.

Sawatzky, Rodney, "History, Theology of." Place and date of presentation not indicated.

Sawatzky, Rodney, "The Influence of World War II on Mennonite Theology." Presented at a Symposium on Mennonites in Canada, in 1987.

Sawatzky, Rodney, "Beyond Modernity: A Vision for Believer's Churches." Presented at a Conrad Grebel College faculty seminar in 1989.

Sawatzky, Walter, "Essays in the History of the Evangelical Mennonite Mission Conference (Rudnerwieder Gemeinde) 1936-1966." Research paper prepared for the department of History at Goshen College.

Schellenberg, Dave, "The Beginnings of Missions in the Kleinegemeinde/Evangelical Mennonite Conference." Place and date of presentation not indicated.

Schertz, Dean, "Mennonite Central Committee China Relief, 1945-1949." Prepared for a History seminar at Goshen College in 1971.

Snyder, Arnold, "The Anabaptist Vision beyond Polygenesis: Recovering the Unity and Diversity of Anabaptism." Place of presentation not indicated, but presented in 1993.

Socknat, Thomas, "The Fate of Liberal Pacifism in Canada during the Great War." Presented to the Canadian Historical Association in 1980.

Strong-Boag, Veronica, "Women with a Choice: Canada's Wage-earning Wives and the Construction of the Middle Class: 1945-60." Presented at the Centre for Research in Women's Studies and Gender Relations, in 1992.

Thiessen, Arden, "E. M. C. Theology in the Years of Transition." Presented at an EMC History Symposium in 1987.

Toews, J. B., "Mennonite Brethren Identity in the Context of Changing Theological Influences." Presented at a symposium on Mennonite Brethren History, in 1975.

Toews, J. B., "Influences that have affected educational processes in Mennonite Brethren schools." Presented to an Inter-School Relations Committee of the Canadian Mennonite Brethren Conference in 1976.

Toews, J. B., "Influences on Mennonite Brethren Theology." Presented at a Mennonite Brethren symposium in 1980.

Toews, J. J., "Hazards and Opportunities in the Evangelism of our Children." Place and date of presentation not indicated.

Toews, Paul, "Faith in Culture and Culture in Faith: Mennonite Brethren Entertaining, Expasive, Separative and Assimilative views about the Relationship." Presented at a Study Conference on the Dynamics of Faith and Culture in Mennonite Brethren, in 1986.

Unger, Walter, "Mennonite Brethren and General Conference Theology - A Common Center, A Single Foundation." Presented at a symposium on Inter-Mennonite Relations: M.B.s and G.C.s in Canada, in 1983.

Urry, James, "Through the Eye of a Needle: Wealth and the Mennonite Experience in Russia." Presented at a conference on images of imperial Russia, in 1984.

Urry, James, "A Mennostaat for the Mennovolk: Mennonite fascist fantasies in Canada in the 1930s." Presented to the Association for Canadian Studies in Australia and New Zealand, in 1992.

Warkentin, Henry, "The Children's Missionary Movement in Canada." Place and date of presentation not indicated.

Wiebe, Katie Funk, "The New Mennonite Brethren: In But Still Out?" Presented at a Study Conference on the Dynamics of Faith and Culture in Mennonite Brethren, undated.

Wiens, Rod, "The Fraser Valley Mennonites Struggle for Survival." Place of presentation not indicated, but dated 1978.

Yoder, John Howard, "Anabaptist Vision and Mennonite Reality." Place and date of presentation not indicated.

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Last revised by Sam Steiner, 06 August 2002