The theme, “wealth and poverty,” has been somewhat neglected in Mennonite historical discourse. Yet, questions of money have shaped Mennonite thought and behaviour. Specific teachings on greed, charity and equality began in the 16th century, and over time, but especially in the 20th century, Mennonites have experienced sudden changes in economic fortune. They have had to face the challenge of increasing prosperity in times of relative peace and toleration. They have also experienced the sudden loss of the economic bases of life and security in times of war and migration.
Papers of this conference were published in the 2009 issue of the Journal of Mennonite Studies. For further information purchasing the volume, contact the editor, Royden Loewen, at the University of Winnipeg.
Entrepreneurship 3:00 pm
Piet Visser “Pieter Teyler van der Hulst from Haarlem”
George Lehman “Cadbury and Hershey Chocolate Barons”
Paul Redekop “East Kildonan Entrepreneurs”
Carel Roessingh “Business in Belize”
Keynote Evening 7:00 pm
James Urry “Wealth and Poverty in the Mennonite
Experience: Challenges and Dilemmas”
Wealth 8:30 am
Mary Sprunger, “Golden Age Amsterdam"
Mark Jantzen, “Vistula River Mennonites”
John Staples, “Johann Cornies”
Loss and Poverty 10:45 am
Reina Neufeldt, “Russlaender Identities”
Royden Loewen, “Old Colony Migrations.”
Hugo Neufeld, “Poverty in Hamilton”
Charity 1:15 pm
Anna Volstra, “Amsterdam Safeguards.”
Patricia Harms, “Paungassi in Manitoba.”
Laureen Harder, “Mennonite Aid Union.”
Critique of Capitalism 3:30 pm
Karl Koop “Anabaptists on Greed”
Hector Mondregon “Liberation Theology”
Travis Kroeker, “Yoder, Sider, etc.”
Democratizing Capitalism 7:00 pm
Janis Thiessen, “Labour Activism”
TBA, “Co-operatives and Communes”
Wally Kroeker, "Mennonites in Business"
The planning committee consisted of Esther Epp-Tiessen, Bruno Dyck, Brian Froese, Patricia Harms, Megan Janzen, Wally Kroeker, Royden Loewen, James Urry.
Last updated 05-Mar-2011